The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is an organization of the United Nations, that leads the international efforts to defeat hunger.
Latest publications, projects and upcoming events concerning forests:
Report (2018): The State of the World’s Forests:
The Committee on Forestry (COFO) is the highest FAO Forestry statutory body. The biennial sessions of COFO (held at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy) bring together heads of forest services and other senior government officials to identify emerging policy and technical issues, to seek solutions and to advise FAO and others on appropriate action. Other international organizations and, increasingly, non-governmental groups participate in COFO. Participation in COFO is open to all FAO member countries.
Urban and Peri-Urban Forestry:
Guidelines on urban and peri-urban forestry:
Save and Grow Farming Systems Fact Sheet 9: Where trees and shrubs cost less than fertilizer:
Optimizing Trees and Forests for Healthy Cities: Developing Guidelines for Decision and Policy Makers:
Towards the assessment of Trees Outside Forests:
The World Agroforestry Centre is an international organization that is specialized in the sustainable management, protection and regulation of tropical rainforest and natural reserves.
Latest publications and upcoming events concerning forests:
Agroforestry in landscape restoration for livelihoods, climate and ecosystem services.
Trees for Food Security 2: Developing integrated options and accelerating scaling up of agroforestry for improved food security and resilient livelihoods in Eastern Africa.
Annual Report (2016-2017): Trees contribute over 10% of the US$3.1 trillion worth of GDP created by the agricultural sector. In its latest strategy, the Centre aims to tackle the challenges of the next decade by harnessing the multiple benefits which trees provide.
Forests and water are inseparable.
The World Bank is an international institution that is a component of the World Bank Group and provides loans to countries of the world for capital projects.
Latest publications and upcoming events concerning forests:
Forests in Ethiopia: Communities Manage Ethiopia’s Forests to Improve Livelihoods, Resilience, and Shared Benefits.
The falling trend of forest area.
When thinking of forests, don’t forget the value of trees.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Corporation for International Cooperation) is a German development agency that provides services in the field of international development cooperation.
Latest publications and upcoming events concerning forests:
International Forest Policy.
Biodiversity and Forestry Programme (BFP), Issue #6.
Protection and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Forestry and climate change.
The Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) e.V. (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) is a German NGO that is dedicated to conservation at home and abroad, including the protection of rivers, forests and individual species of animals.
Latest publications and upcoming events concerning forests:
Ethiopia's wild coffee forests. Project area: Kafa Biosphere Reserve.
Forest Loss in Kafa.
The Michael Succow Foundation is an international operational foundation that is engaged in the development and protection of national parks and biosphere reserves in the transformational countries of the former Eastern bloc (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Russia).
Latest publications and upcoming events concerning forests:
Ethiopia - Study on landscape restoration and reduction of erosion in the catchment area of Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo.
Over the next four years, together with Germany’s Nature Conservation Alliance (Naturschutzbund Deutschland; NABU), the Michael Succow Foundation, in close cooperation with the Ethiopian government, will be working toward establishing a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve around Ethiopia’s Lake Tana.
Analysis of potential for further UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.
Feasibility Study for a Biosphere Reserve at Lake Tana.
For Man and Nature – Creation of a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve at Ethiopia’s Lake Tana.
The Centre for International Forestry Research is a scientific institution that fathoms urgent challenges concerning forestry and landscape management worldwide. The aim of CIFOR is to enhance the human-environmental interactions via research, capacity development and via promoting active discussion with all stakeholders.
Selection of latest publications, projects and upcoming events concerning forests:
ACP Forenet: Forestry research network for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
ASFCC: Social Forestry and Climate Change, a swiss-asian cooperation:
COBAM: Forestry and Climate Change in the Congo Basin
CarboFor: Carbon forestry research on reducing emissions
Annual Report of CIFOR 2017:
Re-greening Ethiopia: history,
Blue Carbon:
Context of REDD+ in Ethiopia:
Exclosures as forests and landscape restoration tools:
Bamboo Resources in Ethiopia:
A policy nexus approach to forests and the SDG’s: tradeoffs and synergies:
Land use alters dominant water sources and flow paths in tropical montane catchment in East Africa:
GLF Nairobi 2018
Global Climate Action Summit:
Global Land Forum: United for Land, Rights, Peace & Justice:
4th Annual FLARE Meeting:
The United Nations Environment Programme is an important environmental protection agency. It defines the global environmental agenda and facilitates the compliance of sustainable development in the United Nations. The aim of UNEP is to allocate a leadership on a global level by animating and informing nations to improve their system of sustainability and in that context the way of life.
Selection of latest publications, projects and upcoming events concerning forests:
Ethiopia’s waste-to-energy plant:
UN in Ethiopia:
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries:
The Contribution of Forests to National Income in Ethiopia:
Ethiopias forests
MELCA is Amharic and Oromo and means “ford” by using this word the organization tries to point out the importance of local knowledge regarding ecological aspects. MELCA is an organization that aims to improve the biodiversity, sustainability and the multifaceted culture in Ethiopia through innovative methods by considering and respecting local knowledge.
Selection of latest publications, projects and upcoming events concerning forests:
The Need for Redesigning and Redefining Institutional Roles for Environmental Governance in Ethiopia:
Supporting Conservation of Farmers’ Seed Varieties:
Seeds of Sovereignity:
Overview of Environmental Impact Assesment in Ethiopia:
Bale Project Area in Oromia National Regional State:
Suba-Sebeta Project Area in Oromia National Regional State:
Refreshment awareness raising and capacity building:
The Green Belt Movement is an organization which aims for empowering communities and especially women to improve their subsistence and in that context environmental consciousness. The mission of the Green Belt Movement is to spread awareness for the environmental situation, conservation and management and to improve life in general mainly by planting trees and water harvesting.
“When we plant trees, we plant the seed of peace and hope”
Wangari Maathai (founder of GBM and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate)
Selection of latest publications, projects and upcoming events concerning forests:
Annual reports:
Current posts and news:
World Environment Day 2018: “Beat Plastic Pollution”
Whatershed: a common destiny for survival:
Taking Root Documentary: The Vision of Wangari Maathai:
Trees are friends:
A voice for trees:
Rehabilitating the Aberdares: The Trickling Effect
UNIQUE forestry and land use is a leading, international consulting firm. The aim of UNIQUE is to give comprehensive information about sustainability in general, value-added chain regarding timber and forests, climate protection and farming via advising private and public companies.
Selection of latest publications, projects and upcoming events concerning forests:
Agricultural adaption in Africa:
Kenya’s dairy sector:
New business models for acacia plantations in Viet Nam:
Find more news by selecting Ethiopia: