Timetable ARbocon Addis Abeba 2015

Fri 13th Nov



4:00 pm

4:30 pm

5:00 pm

5:30 pm


7:00 pm



AAU- Welcoming: Dr. Zerihun Woldu

MoEFCC- Welcoming: Dr. Tefera Mengistu

BfN- Welcoming: Florian Carius

Keynote: FdSc. Ben Jones


Icebreaker / Dinner- Open End

Preliminary Title


Welcome to Addis Ababa University

The right time for tree and forest conservation

German cooperation on conservation in ethiopia

The role of botanic garden & ex situ tree conservation

Sat 14th Nov

9:00 am

9:30 am


10:00 am

10:30 am

11:00 am


11:30 am

12:00 pm

12:30 pm

2:00 pm

2:30 pm


3:00 pm

3:30 pm

4:15 pm


4:30 pm

6:30 pm


Hamburg University: Dr.Peter Borchardt

WGCF-NR: Sintayehu Tamene Beyene

Haramaya University: Ato Mussie / Solomon Estifanos

Coffee / Tea-Break

Debre Berhan University: Dr. Emias Lulekal Molla / Ato Gebremichael

Bahir Dar University: Habtamu Asaye

Summary: Dr. Tefera Mengistu (MoEFCC)


Succow Foundation: Dr. Hartmut Kretschmer

EEFRI: Dr. Wubalem Tadessa


NABU: Bekele Haile

Postersession + Coffee / Tea-Break

ARBOCON-Discussion: Dr. Habtemariam Kassa


Dinner - Open End






ARBONETH History + News

Status: Wondo Genet College Arboretum


Status: Haramaya University Arboretum


Status: Debre Berhan University Ankober Nursery


Status: Bahir Dar University Botanic Garden



Biospherereserves in stu conservation

Indroduction to the Ethiopian Environmental and Forest Research Institute

Efforts of the NABU Ethiopia


Discussion on the future of the ARBONETHWORK





List of participants
ARBONETH 11.2015 Addis Ababa ARBOCON Pa
Microsoft Excel Table 12.1 KB

* Find photos of ARBOCON 2015 in impressions